Friday, October 25, 2013

Forget Me Not!

A few weeks ago, a member gave us a hand out from a meeting that she didn't want. It was a kit to grow little Forget-me-not flowers all by yourself! I planted them a few days ago, and they just started to sprout!
Needless to say, I'm just a tad bit excited. =) The hand out was based on a talk given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a modern day apostle of God. In his talk, titled Forget Me Not, he starts by introducing this small flower.
"It does not attract immediate attention; it is easy to overlook among larger and more vibrant flowers; yet it is just as beautiful, with its rich color that mirrors that of the bluest skies—perhaps this is one reason why I like it so much. And there is the haunting plea of its name. There is a German legend that just as God had finished naming all the plants, one was left unnamed. A tiny voice spoke out, “Forget me not, O Lord!” And God replied that this would be its name."
He then goes on to compare the five petals of the flower to five things we always need to remember.
1. Forget not to be patient with yourself.
2. Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
3. Forget not to be happy now.
4. Forget not the "why" of the gospel (or why we live the lives we do as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
5. Forget not that the Lord loves you.
I love this talk! It defiantly reminds me of all the little holes of heaven that I can't afford to forget to see. I would encourage you to listen to this talk! And please forget not how much you are loved from on high =) Keep looking for your individual holes to heaven each day. I promise that as you do, you will be happier and more positive! It's worked in my life, and I promise it will work in yours =) Have a fantastic day!

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