Saturday, December 14, 2013

To Forgive Is To Forget.

One word to sum up the past few days. Happy =)

We've done so much service this week; it has been fantastic! Earlier in the week, we got to help dip cute little coconut candies in chocolate. The chocolate was probably more on us than it was on the actual candy! We had a blast jamming to classic Christmas songs, and wiping chocolate on each other's elbows (because it's the only place you can't lick it off...).

Then today, we helped another family wash their windows while a bunch of young men did cooking for a scout badge. We even ate the food...and didn't die. So we would say it was pretty good =) Great job, boys! Afterwards, we threw a football around, and as we drove away, we made the boys work off all that food by pushing our car. Free service, free ride, and free food...does life get much better than being a missionary! I say, no sir!
Christmas lights every night will never get boring. We see miracles every night, both big and small ones. If I could pause everything and just spend every single night talking to people about Jesus Christ under the shadow of the temple, I would. This has been something that has really brought me a fullness of joy.
What does Christmas mean to you? The more time I spend here, the more I realize how central Christ is to the plan our Father in Heaven has for us. Without him, we wouldn't have anything. There would be no point coming to earth because, without a Savior, we would fail. We would have no way to cleanse ourselves of mistakes and sin to make it back to God's presence. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father, for blessing us with the greatest gift anyone could ever give, the powerful gift of forgiveness.
Are we forgiving others? Are we even forgiving ourselves? Today, I encourage you to start the process of forgiving yourself. As President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said,
"...many of you are endlessly compassionate and patient with the weaknesses of others. Please remember also to be compassionate and patient with yourself...Our journey toward perfection is long, but we can find wonder and delight in even the tiniest steps in that journey."
It's not easy, I know. But I also know that as we use the gift of the Atonement in our lives, by applying forgiveness to ourselves, we will feel more love and respect for ourselves. We will feel how much God loves and respects us. I know that forgiveness is a gift that comes from the sacrifice of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and I am so grateful for this time of year to focus on Him and the wondrous gift that is given to us!

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