Wednesday, February 5, 2014

He Lives!

 Bahhhh so much has gone on! We had an amazing preparation day on Monday. A bunch of missionaries came together and went roller skating! I've never done that before! We all managed to walk away without being seriously injured, so I would consider it a success...
My post today isn't going to be super lengthy. I just want to bear my testimony to all of you of the Savior. Coming on my mission has helped me to

develop a greater understanding of who He is to me personally. I've always felt that I have had a close relationship with Christ and my Heavenly Father, but I have seen it grow in strides since I've devoted all I am to Him. It's come with a lot of work; I've prayed, studied, and prayed a little more each day. I've finally learned what it means to depend on the Lord for everything. We give up so much, because we know that He gave everything. I know that God isn't just some all powerfull being who micro-manages our every action. He is my Father, perfect in His love and compassion towards me. I know that He cares for me, and that as I turn to Him in prayer, I can be carried through the refiner's fire of this life, and become who He knows I can become. I know that trials, if we endure them well, are for our good. Our Heavenly Father gave us His only Son, Jesus Christ, so that we could have the help we so desperatly need to make it back to Him. I testify that God is real. The events recorded in the Book of Mormon and the Bible actually happened. Christ continues to live for us, and I know that it is through his Atonement that we can make it back to the presence of our Father in heaven. In the words of Samuel Medley,

"He lives, my kind, wise heav'nly Friend.
He lives and loves me to the end.
He lives, and while he lives, I'll sing.
He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.
He lives and grants me daily breath.
He lives, and I shall conquer death.
He lives my mansion to prepare.
He lives to bring me safely there.
He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives, my Savior, still the same.
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
'I know that my Redeemer lives!' "

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